OH MY GAWD!!!!! As we said Dollie has made amazing progress, from country scavenger to domesticated pal. But we never anticipated this. From yesterdays posting, those of you that don't know Dollie got some glimpse into this poor urchin that showed up here 2 years ago. She had been beat to a pulp and we have been very careful with her, never knowing whether she would make the transition. We were even told to put her down. So, just this morning I ask her if she would like to go see her Daddy.....Gary was still in bed and I walked her into the bedroom. Without any encouragement she jumped right up in the bed, gave him a morning kiss and got completely comfortable. She ousted him from his side and made herself at home. It is 9:00 and we can't even get her up to eat. So, as you can see life is tough at Ponder Cove, dogs are our best friends and again I am reminded never give up on a challenge. xxoom
1 comment:
Awwwww, she knows when she has it good. Poor girl, it's too bad she had to experience the bad first. You've come a long way with her, she's going to make it just fine.
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