Ginger, Lab/ Pit Bull Mix
Mark, Krista, Brittany and Taylor, owners
Mark, Krista, Brittany and Taylor, owners
Ginger has been a wonderful addition to our family. We were so lucky to adopt Ginger
from Labrador Friends of the South on December 31,2006. It was a wonderful way
to ring in the new year. Our entire family is crazy about her. She absolutely loves to
be with her family. She has a weak spot for squeaky toys. Ginger loves to wake our
girls. Every morning she serves as the alarm clock. She loves to shower people with
kisses. I can't imagine our life without her. We feel very lucky to have her as a member
of our family!
Ginger is the best Christmas present I have ever gotten.
She makes my day when I come home and see her wagging her tail.
Ginger is adorable!
Ginger is the best mannered, playful and loving dog you could find. Real sweet and very well trained.
Ginger looks so cute and sweet!
Ginger's the best chocolate lab ever!
Ginger is a beautiful,playful,bundle of energy! She is clearly very loved by the Boezis and the feeling is obviously mutual thru her content manner and affectionate kisses to them. Ginger is one lucky rescued puppy (who thinks that she's human!)!
ginger is a beast !!!
She is so much fun to play with. She is always happy to see visitors. You need to watch out if you are not wearing socks - she loves to lick your feet!~:)
Hey whats up VOTE 4 GINGER!!!
Ginger is a playful puppy. I am her lollipop cause she gives me kisses all the time. Go Ginger. U R Beast!
Ginger is the most adorable puppy ever!
Ginger...you are my best friend...love Daisy
ginger is a cute dog
Ginger looks like she has a beautiful coat. She seems really well behaved and a nice addition to your family:)
Ginger ws a welcomed visitor to our house. So well be haved and fun.
G and G
How wonderful to have a grand-dog!
Ginger is such good company and a has a great disposition.
Grandma B
Ginger is so sweet and funny she loves her antlers and bones. She loves to go on walks and eat treats i hope to see her in the calender!!
Ginger the happy Chocolate lab is the best dog in the world- CRAZY BOB
Our dogs always love visiting ginger when we go for a walk
I haven't met Ginger yet even though she's the newest member of our family. I understand she's very well trained and very smart. I think the funniest thing about Ginger is she rings the bell that hangs on the doorknob at the Boezi house to let everyone know that she needs to go outside. What a hoot! I hope to meet Ginger soon.
Aunt Sharon
Ginger is very cute and spoiled. Our dogs Winston & Sage would love to play with her.
She is such a lucky and gentle dog. We enjoy seeing her at the bus stop in the mornings
Ginger is so sweet. She is one of the coolest dogs ever.
Go ginger :D
Ginger is soooo adorable
and she looks sooo sweet:D
ginger looks very proper!
She has come along way since she first came into your home. She had mange and kennel cough. You would never know she was abandoned as a pup. She is such a nice dog to be around!
Ginger is playful! Shes a little Chunky,but she still has a great personality!
Hey its Priscilla I'm voting for ginger because she is so cute and she is a litte princess
Ginger looks so sweet - I know you guys love her! Kim
HEY this is Freddy ginger is the sweetest dog !!! She so cute and chunky i hope she wins this calender thing!!
Ginger is money!
go ginger!
Hey this is melissa ginger is very cool and sweet
Ginger is so friendly and sweet. My kids love going over to the Boezi house to play with her, and they talk to her over the phone!
Ginger is such a sweet and pretty dog. A great addition to the Boezi clan.
We love you even though you are a bed hog!!!
Ginger reminds me of my sweet dog....a yellow lab
This is Katie Ginger is the sweetest thing she really playful and loves to run around like a crazy hooligan!!!!!:) :)))))) ;)
She looks so happy! She is such a sweet and loving dog.
Ginger is a sweetheart. She visited grandma and grandpa B in Florida a few months ago and was an absolute delight for the week that we dogsat her. She was especially fascinated by the many geckos living in the bushes around our house that played hide and seek with her.
Grandpa B
Ginger, you go girl! You are the best.
Ginger - We are counting the days until we get to see you, go on walks with you and see you play with your squeaky toys
Grandma B
Ginger is the cutest dog ever! She is obsessed with licking my feet and is really well behaved.
Ginger sure does love her squeaky toys. Stick one of them in her mouth and you will always know where she is. She is a real Entertainer.
You can always count on Ginger to make you feel better. She is always happy to see you and never stops wagging her tail.
Ginger deserves a spot on the dog calendar....such a loving and well behaved girl.
ginger is the coolest dog in the world
Ginger is our Top Dog!
Ginger just loves company. She always seems to have a "smile" on her face when she sees you coming, and watch out for that tail.
grandpa b
Ginger is such an adorable dog. She is sad that school is back in session. She misses the girls but loves waking them up in the mornings.
Ginger continues to keep us entertained. She had a great time sliding on the kitchen floor this weekend.
Counting the days till our visit with you.
Grandma B
Ginger, grandma and grandpa arrive in a few days....we are looking forward to you entertaining us as you usually do. You are the greatest!
Ginger is so intense I wish she was my dog!
Ginger we have had an awesome weekend visiting with you.
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