Sam-Sam was adopted from Labrador Friends of the South (LFS) and is the brother to Sierra. Sam goes everywhere with his mom and sister. He loves to swim, play fetch, go for rides. He is very loving and loves to snuggle. Where ever you are he will be at your feet. He thinks that he is still a small puppy and loves to be in your lap. At bed time you can bet after his tummy rub and kisses he will keep your feet warm. Thanks to the assistance of LFS our family is complete and I would recommend anyone wanting a loving lab to contact them.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sam-Sam was adopted from Labrador Friends of the South (LFS) and is the brother to Sierra. Sam goes everywhere with his mom and sister. He loves to swim, play fetch, go for rides. He is very loving and loves to snuggle. Where ever you are he will be at your feet. He thinks that he is still a small puppy and loves to be in your lap. At bed time you can bet after his tummy rub and kisses he will keep your feet warm. Thanks to the assistance of LFS our family is complete and I would recommend anyone wanting a loving lab to contact them.
Sierra is a 4.5 year old Chocolate Labrador and is the sister to Sam-Sam which we adopted from Labrador Friends of the South.
Sierra is spoiled rotten and goes every where with her mom. She loves to chase a ball, swim and go for rides on her mom's 4-wheeler.
This past April she become very ill to the point we thought we were going to lose her. She was taken to Auburn University where she lost all movement in her body with the exception of her eye movement. After going through extensive testing, great medical attention and A miracle from God she is back 100%. She is just as rotten if not more so than she was before her illness. Sierra loves to play with her brother and you do not see one of them without the other one is close behind. She thinks that she has to be snuggled up to her mom everynight at bedtime.
Kiki and Phil Jones, owner
Cerys is the Welsh word for love. We went to a Labradorfriends meeting on 15th Dec 2007. They had a 'Box of puppies done up with Christmas tape' and were hoping to find homes for them. They had named them after Santa's reindeer. Cerys was then called Cupid and was the smallest. She was wrapped up in a little blanket and despite that was shivering all over. She was about 12 pounds in weight and beautiful, but very, very frightened. We had not thought of adopting a dog before that day but our hearts melted when we saw her. She was described as a Lab mix and people are still amazed when they see her for the first time as they expect her to be bigger.
She now weighs about 26 pounds at 11 months and is like a mini-lab (as a friend called her) perfectly proportioned and a wonderful honey colour. As she grew it was obvious that she was quite a nervous dog who still tries to run the other way when we get close to storm drains, but she was probably wild for a time with her family, so who knows what happened to her. She has changed our lives, but for the better..We have had nothing but support from Labfriends in the early teething stages when she was so terrified of everything, the dishwasher, the car, the friendly baby rabbit in the garden. You name it and she was terrified initially. With patience and few cross words she has settled into her new life and made ours richer. We think she has 'Star quality' but that will have to be left to your good judgement
Melissa De Jong, owner
Sandi and Kevin Rapillo
Well, two years later I've come a long way from that parking lot in Atlanta that someone left me and my twelve brothers and sisters (who all found forever homes too!) I had mange, people thought I was getting cute white spots on my black coat...not so cute in January.
I took my first people vacation to Ponder Cove and had a great time, Martha and Gary made me feel really welcome, and my Mom and Dad met a couple from Nashville that they are now good friends with!
I take Agility, Rally and my latest class is Freestyle Dancing! It's a funny class because there is a Great Dane, Coonhound, Beagle, Basset Hound and of course the show off—a Poodle. You should see the Great Dane trying to go through her owners legs! We all have a big laugh because none of us (except the poodle) are very good...
But my favorite thing in the world is to wrap my paws around your neck and give you a big hug and if there is a treat involved, I'll even throw in a big kiss!
Neal and Joy Anderson

Karen Hodgdon, Owner
They are 3 months old and so much fun!
Digby is bouncy and floppy and very playful. She is living up to her name by digging at everything. She is curious and bold and courageous, which is good because her brother is a bit more timid.
Gryphon is my thinker; he's also a cuddler. He's slightly bowlegged, so he can lay on the floor like puppies do, with his back legs sticking straight out behind him. He likes to sneak up and jump on Digby, which usually starts the wrestling match.
They are both generally appeased by rawhide - as you can see in the photo. It is a great distraction. Right now they love this big bed, but I don't think it'll be long before I'll have to get another one - they are growing up FAST!
Labrador Friends
We adopted Cloe when we first found out that Tazzie Fred's sister had Cancer. Tazzie and Fred where litter mates and very attached to each other. When the vets told us Tazzie's cancer was very rare and very strong growing. They really couldn't give us a time line on how long she would live. We decide to adopted Cloe to help Fred in the long run because he was so attached to Tazzie... Tazzie was the boss in the house.
Tazzie was so strong that out lived the time frame they thought. She had 5 cancer mass removals. The type of cancer she had that hadn't since in over 30 years and it was in such a hard spot they could never removal all of it. It was attached her spine and would grow outward past her lungs to her back. So the only course of treatment was removal, anything else could damage her lungs or effect her spine. So we only did the removals.
She fought the cancer for almost 4 years. We lost her to cancer 4/2/07.
We started fostering Jake or known as Jakerman with all this going on... and then foster Homer...they became buddies and part of the family... our two foster flunkies...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Katie, Casper and Kenzie, Labs
Anne & Matt Hare, owners

Jessica L. Ewert, Owner
Coby’s Bio as told by Coby:
I used to have a little girlfriend who passed away from a heat stroke a couple weeks before her 4th birthday. It was real hot outside and mom and dad were on vacation and the kids that were watching us took us for a walk, I got tired and stopped. The sweet kids put me under the shade while Casey (my girlfriend) wanted to make them happy so she kept going. They brought her home and brought me some water. That was the best. Life was looking good once the water got there then after a while I noticed that Casey was gone and wasn' t coming back. Mom and dad tried all they could but it did look good. So now it is me a cat and Molly.
"There must be a special place in hell for people who torture animals. Until you get there, you'll deal with me."

Angela Jergler.
I do some volunteer work here and there for Labrador Friends of the South and even tried fostering once. This one time fostering led to Reece. Reece is a 1 year old Chocolate Lab/Pit bull mix (Pitador) that I adopted from Labrador Friends on August 14, 2007. I think this foster failure thing happens to every foster parent at least once! Reece has come a long way since I adopted him. He was found by a LFS friend by the side of a road, emaciated and infested with ticks and fleas. He hasn't stopped eating since! I cannot get over how much of an attention hog Reece is. He is always looking for love and always wanting to be right under foot (which I know is a trait for both breeds). I really noticed how much Reece wants attention from everyone so tested him in my Therapy Dog organization that I am a member in with my other Lab. So, on April 19, 2008, at only 1 year and one month old, Reece became a Therapy Dog with Happy Tails Pet Assisted Therapy! He goes on visits with children in hospitals and behavioral facilities, drug rehab patients and psychiatric patients, and educates the public on being around dogs and how to treat them, and just offers his love to everyone! It's such a rewarding activity for both of us.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008
Buddy - Chocolate Lab Mix
Darren & Tara Gladieux - Owners
Owners-Phillip & Brandy Jones
Shala was rescued at the age of 4 from the Charlotte Animal Shelter in August of 2001. It was love at first sight and I couldn't wait to take her home. My beagle, Lacy, wasn't so sure of her new playmate, since she was three times her size. Eventually Shala became the protective big sister and we adopted 2 more dogs. Lacy and Chase have been to Ponder Cove twice and they LOVE it. Shala had to stay at Grandma's house with her brother because we didn't want any problems with the resident cat. She would have loved the mountains. We hiked a lot together before her hips wouldn't allow her to go with me anymore. She passed away suddenly from cancer in June of '08 and we miss her terribly. She loved her daddy and they would "woo woo" back and forth to each other. Eating was her favorite pastime and she never missed a meal. She was a therapy dog and visited nursing homes and the Ronald Mcdonald House. She walked in Christmas parades with the husky rescue and all the kids would ask if she was a "Snow Dog". Shala never met a stranger and we were lucky to have been a part of her life.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
This is Dylan, our first-born. He was rescued at about one-year's of age and we have no idea how anyone let him go. He was full of energy, but so well-behaved. He loves all people, especially children when he can give them kisses. His most favorite thing to do is chase tennis balls - which he will do until he can hardly stand any longer. Running, walking, hiking, and swimming also top his list of great plans. This picture was taken during a rare snow in Atlanta. It was his first time to see the white stuff and he had a blast, running in circles, trying to eat it, and catching snowballs that would just melt away.
This is Mali, a recent addition to our family. She is close to 5 years old and joined us when her first "mom" tragically got sick and could no longer care for her. Mali believes that she was created for loving on and will anything in her power to get you to hug her, pet her, or preferably, hold her in your lap. (80 pound lap-dogs are the best, aren't they?!) She loves being outside, but never wants to exert too much energy. Lying in the sun in a field is more her speed. This photo was taken early one morning two days after we got her. She had no trouble making herself at home - and seems to have changed our rules about no dogs on the furniture. :)
Meet, the queen of the house. She is a rescue and at 8 lbs., she packs a lot of personality into a small frame. Her favorite activity - chasing the 12 cats we have (though she never catches or hurts them). Ritzi will be making her 2nd trip to Ponder Cove this fall!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
3 cups self rising flower(or flour)
3 tbs sugar
1/4 to 1/2 tsp dill
1 tsp dried onion
1 12 oz. dark beer
Mix ingredients and spoon into a buttered bread pan, let rise 10 minutes, bake at 350 for about 45 minutes, (drink second beer), take out and spread butter all over the top, put back in oven(turned off) for 10 minutes, let cool and devour.
Moochy mamma baby!
Friday, July 25, 2008
see he is quite the dude. He works Beale Street most nights representing
several ladies of the evening.
He loves to hike, go for long rides in the car, and obsesses about
anything he wants you to throw. He loves to wear hats or any article of
clothing. When we first got Duece he broke his leg at 9 weeks, so I made
the decision of performing the $2500 surgery and don't regret one penny.
He is so thankful he has chosen a life of crime to pay me back. He has
played an important role as a companion and a son and will continue
to do so if he can stay out of the slammer.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Here are Atlas and Apollo on the way home from their daily three mile tranquilizer--a walk at the Chattahoochee River. The boys are pound-rescue litter-mates. Atlas, the one with the white stripe, is the brains of the operation. We were told by a breeder that Atlas "Got the good blood." Not surprising for a Border Collie mix, he is hyper-aware of his surroundings and everything that moves in his field of vision. Great with hand signals, Atlas can catch a peanut butter sammie crumb long before it hits the floor--even if he is starting from across the room. Regrettably, he has a little of Stephen King's "Cujo" in him and we have to watch him carefully around other dogs in case he decides to prove his manliness. We've both had dogs all our lives, but this one is whip smart and quite the hunter while becoming cuddly when things settle down at night. He likes to lie down with some of his weight, or just a paw, on you so he'll know if you're thinking about going anywhere. Both these dogs love to spoon, whether with us or with each other, it's rare to see them lie down alone.
Apollo (at rear in photo) is our Special Needs dog. Years ago (they're 9, BTW) he started having seizures. The vet diagnosed epilepsy and put him on phenobarbital. After a couple of years of fewer, milder seizures, we noticed Apollo was aging faster than Atlas. A lot faster. So we weened him from the doggie downers and now he is gray but pretty much seizure-free. Apollo may be the beta on land, but in the water, he's in charge. He got mostly Lab blood and is die hard swimmer and hunter. You never know when he's going to bring you a present of freshly killed rodent, or worse, not quite killed rodent. Our wooded lot is rife with all manner of rodentia, so Apollo leads the parade, running from window to window, then bolting outside as soon as the door is opened. Pity the slow chipmunk. As you can see, both love the car. Ponder Cove is their Number One Fave destination!
His name is POE, his leg was broken as a young pup and the breeders nursed him back to health. They named him after the panda in Kung Fu Panda. He is 5 months old, Havanese and all trained up. He is breathing new life into our big ole buddy the lab.
Zeus loves water and it is almost impossible to take him out of the pool!! Zeus knows how to smile and he loves to do so when new people come to our house. He has this weird combination between crazy and sweet at the same time…so even if he does something he does not suppose to do, you can’t get mad at him…his sweet temper makes your heart melt in minutes! HE is my treasure, my baby.
When we got Zeus, we were living in a apartment…thanks to him my husband finally took the step to invest in a house..after the manager of the apartments was knocking our door almost everyday saying we needed to get rid of the dog…I told my husband: get rid of my dog? Heck no!! we get rid of this apartment and get a house where Zeus can run and play, and that is how we got our house and Zeus has plenty of room to run and play safely!!
Her name is Bella Cooper-Hopper. Originally she was just Bella Cooper, however when I married she decided to hyphenate her name. She is a wild yorkie that was born on Valentines day 2005. She is the most energetic and sweet dog in the world. She loves all foods except lettuce or spinach. Her favorite is cheese! She loves her mommy and daddy and her new baby sister (human sister) Sophie. This is a picture of her at her aunt Katie's wedding.
Jo Jo is a 5 year old male Chinese Crested Powderpuff. He was given to me by a client of mine and even though I've always been an owner of large mixed breed dogs, I fell in love with his tiny self. He is so brave, friendly and outgoing. He gets along with every dog he meets and of course loves all people.
Rocky Singer, 2 year old male Pug. Chandi Singer, owner
Rocky at one year old was a one-eyed, undernourished rescue pug who now relishes every moment of his life.
Rocky is a true canine, ready to sacrifice himself to protect his humans, even racing headfirst into the pool to rescue us, long before he knew what to do once he hit the water. Since then he wears his life vest when near the pool, has learned to swim, and as you can see from the photo he savors his time lounging on the raft while watching his human family.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Dog Training at Ponder Cove

Monday, July 21, 2008
Max Patch

Furniture workshops at Ponder Cove

So, lassies know that these wood classes are a great way to get the boys to the mountains and you can go shopping. We wood widows have to stick together.
Note attached photo of one of Gary's most amazing pieces to date. It's hanging out at the furniture show in Marshall. I don't have a spot for it. Do you?....I will let you have it cheap...well sorta....Shhhhhhh....Gary will kill me for this one . xxoom
Wedding Bells at Ponder Cove

Is this not the best wedding photo ever? Meet Christina, Jason and Deuce. Ms. Banjo was in attendance as well and from her photo you can see she was not the most behaved Maid of much did she drink?? As you can see a good time was had by all. But just like Ponder Cove the wedding was dignified with a bit of tartness on the side. So, if you are looking for that perfect wedding venue in the Asheville area...well heck, come on to Ponder Cove. We'll get you hitched just right.
We have had the best weather this year. Everything is in screaming good bloom and it certainly worked out replacing plants from "afar" with native. They have grown beautifully and choked out the weeds. Alas, 5 years from opening we are in our glory. Come and see us. m