Sunday, July 27, 2008


Megan Reynolds, Owner

This is Mali, a recent addition to our family. She is close to 5 years old and joined us when her first "mom" tragically got sick and could no longer care for her. Mali believes that she was created for loving on and will anything in her power to get you to hug her, pet her, or preferably, hold her in your lap. (80 pound lap-dogs are the best, aren't they?!) She loves being outside, but never wants to exert too much energy. Lying in the sun in a field is more her speed. This photo was taken early one morning two days after we got her. She had no trouble making herself at home - and seems to have changed our rules about no dogs on the furniture. :)


Meg said...

Don't you just want to snuggle with her? She's precious!

Kathryn said...

An 80 pound lap dog??? Who wouldn't love that??? You just want to snuggle up to her and give her a big hug.

docrambo said...

Definition of comfortable--and I think she likes the blankie!

Anonymous said...

what a cutie....I wonder if she'd share that chair, she looks pretty comfy!

Jessica said...

What a beautiful dog!! She sure would look good in a calendar!

Anna said...

She's so cute you can't even get mad at her for being on the furniture!

Anonymous said...

I petsit for Mali and her brother Dylan, and I am a big fan! She's so cuddly and sweet and has the cutest personality. And who couldn't love that face!

southern woman said...

I vote for her! I would let this beautiful baby on my furniture anytime.

Unknown said...

Mali is the spitting image of my dog Vinny, so I am biased toward her! I think she is gorgeous!!! And I think she's a little better behaved than her look-alike too!

Danny Bryant said...

We vote for Mali!

Anonymous said...

Malie looks so comfy curled up on the furniture! Who wouldn't want to snuggle up next to her??!!

Anonymous said...

mali! i love you and miss you so much! i vote mali all the way! she is so good!