Sunday, July 27, 2008


Dylan, Rescue
Megan Reynolds, Owner

This is Dylan, our first-born. He was rescued at about one-year's of age and we have no idea how anyone let him go. He was full of energy, but so well-behaved. He loves all people, especially children when he can give them kisses. His most favorite thing to do is chase tennis balls - which he will do until he can hardly stand any longer. Running, walking, hiking, and swimming also top his list of great plans. This picture was taken during a rare snow in Atlanta. It was his first time to see the white stuff and he had a blast, running in circles, trying to eat it, and catching snowballs that would just melt away.


Meg said...

So handsome!

Kathryn said...

What a great dog! He seems to be a poster child for rescues!!!

docrambo said...

Obviously an intelligent fellow!!!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful boy! probably be a while before he sees snow again

Jessica said...

Great looking dog!!

Jennifer said...

Very very handsome!!!!

Anna said...

What a sweet pup!

Anonymous said...

I petsit for Dylan! He is a wonderful dog- sweet, playful, obedient, and so handsome! He and his sis Mali are two of my favorite dogs to watch (but don't tell that to my other petpals!)

southern woman said...

I vote for Dylan! He is a beautiful lucky boy!

Unknown said...


He looks great...

It is hard for me to choose which is the best... LFS supports all their babies....

thank you for giving him is forever home.

Unknown said...

What a handsome, happy boy!!!

Unknown said...

He's gorgeous!

Danny Bryant said...

I vote for Dylan!

Anonymous said...

handsome pup!