Nick, Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab mix
Scott and KellyAnn Madsen
Hi! My name is Nick and I'm a Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab mix.I was wandering through the woods on Christmas Eve morning in 2005 and I stumbled across a yard that had another Lab in it! I was really sick, very hungry, and weighed very little. Since we don't know when my birthday is, the vet says that I'm about 3 1/2 years old. After my now parents tried desperately to find my home, they decided that the best home for me was with them! I'm so happy to have a brother, a Black Lab, who always wants to play and we keep each company. Some of my best friends are from Labrador Friends of the South. I'm very laid back and love to watch the clouds go often picturing them of yummy dog treats. I love doggie ice cream, swimming, camping, chasing flies, and sleeping (that's actually what I do best). My parents always say how lucky I am that I found them, but I think the joke's on them, they are so lucky to have me.
We love Nick! Good luck cute boy!
It sounds like you have a wonderful life now. Maybe sometime Sierra and Sam can meet up with you at LFS and play. You are a handsome boy.
Wow, this 'baby' looks a lot like one of the sad faces in the ASPCA Promo using Sarah McLaughlin's In The Arms of an Angel - the difference being that Nick is a happy soul. Make another one happy by visiting your local shelter. SAVE A LIFE TODAY!
Nick is a special pup coming to us on Christmas Eve! I am so happy he found his way to us. Grandma loves when he and his brother visit!
Nick is like no other dog I know!
He and his brother have special places in my heart!
Hi! Nick I have enjoyed the pictures that your mom has posted on the family website of you and your brother over the years! I sorry that I have really liked the ones of you guys in the customs!! You are both very cute!! Love second cousin PA Pat!
Nick, we are so happy you found the right home to stop by. You have such loving parents and even had a pal Lab to grow up with. We know your parents treasure one of their best Christmas presents when you came by.
Uncle Bill and Aunt Rita
Way to be cute Nick!!!!
We love your expression, Nick! Good luck!
Nick you are a very good dog and I am glad you are in our family. Good luck buddy. Uncle Matt
I love Nick! He is such a wonderful dog!
Nick is soooo precious! You go dog!
Look how cuuuuuute you are, Nick! You are such a good doggy!
Nick is a great dog and has found a wonderful home with KellyAnn and Scott
Nick is soooo laid back and lovable!
I adored having Nick as a friend of my kitty, Xeno, on the web! He's such a looker!
What a cutie! I'm sure my Max would love to play with you...
You don't look like you have a black brother. Interesting. Good luck, Nick! You are a doll!!
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