Hunter, Boxer
Neena Gulley, Owner
Neena Gulley, Owner
My name is Hunter but this past December, my parents decided to name me Rudolph the Big Nosed Boxer. I was very unhappy with the new moniker. You see, my parents decided to bring a screaming, ear-pulling baby into our lives this past November. Not that anybody asked me what I thought about that. We were all just humming along happily, and suddenly this horrible red screaming thing arrives and ruins everything. Except, around Christmas I decided to finally give her a chance, very reluctantly, mind you. Turns out, she's not so bad, although please don't think that I like her or anything. Because I don't. I really don't. Except for sometimes, when no one is looking, I like to sneak over to her and give her a few kisses. Definitely not because I like her or anything, but us red-nosed boxers like to stick together. Happy year, everyone! The holidays are long over, but the celebratin' is just beginning.
What a cutie! Of course, he's mine so I'm terribly biased!
You're right, he's cute! I love boxers!
Hunter is a good boy, a wonderful son and brother! And very smart, like all boxers! Love, Dean
Hunter is the most beautiful and affectionate doggie there ever was. When he wears his Christams costume he is the envy of all the dogies in the neighborhood, in the Americas, int he World and in the Universe! I miss you hunter and love you
I think Hunter deserves a COVER SHOT in this calendar not only because he is ADORABLE, but because he is obviously long-suffering and self-sacrificing. He kisses the "red horrible thing"? Surruptitiously or about making sacrifices and familial loyalty - GO HUNTER!!! :)
Hunter has taken to his baby sister...he is a sweet dog and a great big brother!
He likes to go for walks and loves for the entire family to be together.
Alice, neighbor
Hunter is one of the sweetest souls I've ever met. What an adorable photo! Yay Hunter! Love Carmen and Luis and slobbers from Bella and Bruno.
Hunter, you are adorable!!!
Hunter or Hunted? What a cutie!
Great photo!! Rudolf has some stiff competetion this year.
I'm not even a dog person, but this is an incredibly adorable photo!! So cute, Hunter!!
Dear Hunter,
Sure, having that baby around is tough. But in no time she will be playing with you and love you unconditionally, just as you are loving her. You are good role model.
Hunter is the best! He is filled with slobbery goodness! Go Hunter!
Hunter is a doll! And his resemblance to the original red-nosed guy is uncanny!
Hunter is the best dog, ever! He's not a cat, bu he's still a very good dog.
Hunter is a wonderful dog who loves his Meghan very much, ear-pulling and all. They're going to be the best of friends soon enough!
If indeed I did like dogs...Hunter would be my first choice.
He gets an A+ for the longest tongue and most slober...all of the above certainly makes him a top contender for the prize.
don't worry hunter. You'll always be the first baby!
What a CUTE photo!!! And such a funny story, I LOVE it...
Hunter you look stunning in your Christmas attire.Way to go!!!!!
That is one calendar-ready dog.
That is one calendar-ready dog.
Yay! Boxer is a great dog! To the calendar he should go!
What an adorable Rudolph!lol
Gorgeous and gracious boxer. I hope to see this face on the next year calendar!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! How ADORABLE!! I'm sure Hunter is on Santa's "Nice" list. What a cutie! ~Emanda ô¿ô
Poor doggie dressed in his reindeer games!
The other pups are cute, but they've got nothing on Hunter!! -Tom
Hunter the red-nosed boxer- he'll go down in His-toreeeee!!!
What a cutie! Hunter deserves to be in the calendar. Just because...well.. LOOK AT THAT FACE!
What a cutie!
Poor doggie sporting the reindeer gear!
Poor doggie sporting the reindeer gear!
What a Christmas Sweetie! I think he should definitely make the calendar. He looks so patient and gentle.
Can't wait to meet him and the baby. Come and visit us in soon! Susie
Stan, Carol & Sonnie are sure hoping that Hunter makes it to the calendar. We love that beautiful boxer and especially like the way he loves his baby sister! Love the Christmas photo!
Hunter is my nephew and because I introduced you to him OF COURSE I will be leaving a comment for him... I am so happy I caused your boxer obsession!!!!!!!!! I am sure he will make an appearance on a calendar. He is so handsome. His cousin Carmella is very jealous. xoxoxoxo we miss you!
Hunter is the BEST kisser there is! He's also quite the gentleman when he comes to visit.
Hunter is my granddog and there is not a more deserving dog than he to grace the Ponder Cove calendar. Hunter is an excellent big brother to Meghan and an all-around great dog.
What a cutie pup!
What a cute, patient baby! Way to go HUNTER!
Cute Pic
Hunter is definitely a 'Calendar Boy'! What a sweetheart.
Hunter, my what ears you have! LOL! You are a cutie...and its ok to love your skin sister! When she's older she'll be giving you hugs/kisses and TREATS!!!!! WooHoo!!!!
Hunter, Hang around her high chair at feeding time....
In a few months the baby will be your bestest friend.
Cute dog
What an awesome boxer. He definitely should be featured!
The calendar would not be complete without Hunter's cute mug in it!!
without a doubt Hunter is the cutest!
Of course, Hunter belongs on the calendar! He is patient and long suffering, after all! Never mind that he's so very handsome. Go Hunter!
I feel your pain .... I get to be Rudolph the boxer too
Just wait until that ear puller starts feeding herself!! You won't believe all the food you will be able to clean off the floor!!! I feel your pain with the antlers; Mom makes me wear those, too.
Ahh, dear Hunter... umm... okay... that is d-e-A-r... yes... and he is... darling actually... My own dog, Elsa, and I have had occasion to visit and romp around with this fine fellow and let us both share that he's really quite fantastic... In fact, Elsa and I were recently up late in bed laughing over how much we agreed that, 'to know Hunter is to love Hunter'... so should any of you have the chance, we'd both wholeheartedly recommend that you spend some time getting to know this antlered-up cutie (and/or use his photographic likeness to improve the quality of any calendar-type publication)...
What a good boy - filling in for Rudolph, and sneaking kisses to the new baby!
For all to know, Hunter and Meghan are great friends. Many people have emailed me to ask whether I was serious about my original posting and whether there is bad blood between the two. If you've met Hunter, you know that he doesn't have a mean bone in his body and he loves and protects Meghan with all of his heart, even though she loves to torment him by pulling his ears and his nub. He's a sweetie and an important member of our family. Neena
Hunter my dear , you should suck up to that baby because in no time she'll be dropping food on the floor for you .
How sweet! Boxers really are the best! Hunter should win, hands down.
Ah, my mom makes me wear silly Christmas things, too. Last year she got one of those elastic collars with big silver bells on it. What was she thinking? HINT: Just look pitiful and they take them off quickly!
Looking forward to seeing you on the calendar!
He's a doll!
What a cutie! Hunter sure does deserve a page in that calendar ....
Hope to see you on the calendar Hunter.
Hunter, you look SMASHING as a reindeer and I really hope to see you in that calendar! Uh ... would December be a good month? :)
Boxers don't usually like costumes but Hunter is a dream boy! Hey ... we want to see you in the calendar!
Boy, what a cutie! Hunter, you're a chick magnet - that face is priceless!
He's a good boy and deserves a shot on the calendar!
The faces of the boxer... they change so quickly & carry so many expressions... alas I don't think hunters will change until he sheds the 'antlers' LOL
Hunter is adorable, he should be included in the calendar.
In this year of boxing it out for the US presidency
, A BOXER is a most appropriate dog to show in the calendar.
You really should be the December photo for the calendar. You are just too delightful as Rudolph
There's something about a boxer dog in antlers! I treasure the photo of my dearly departed Buster in his.
Good boy, Hunter!
Yep ... that a reindeer Boxer. Good boy, Hunter, sitting pretty for your picture. Hope you got a cookie for that!
Oooohhh, what a cutie!
I vote for Hunter!
He's a cute dog and he should win! Ann.
Go Hunter!
I vote for Hunter!
Awww, such a cutie!!
vote for hunter! he's the cutest, wiggliest, silliest, best boxer in the world!!!!!
Oh my goodness, Hunter is so adorable! I really do love big dogs. Small dogs are cool but the big DOGS ROCK!
Finally, your mom taught us how to vote for you on this blog! So we are all going to vote individually for you, Hunter! Go Hunter!
I vote for Hunter!
Hunter is the best boxer ever! I vote for the Hunt!
Hunter deserves a spot on the Ponder Cove cover!!!!
I vote for Hunter! Your mom and dad and sister love you so much!
Although there are several tough contenders, Hunter is still my pick. Boxers are just so cute with their big heads and soulful eyes.
I vote for Hunter. He's the man!
I vote for Hunter.
Party at your mama's house in your honor. We're all rooting for you, Hunter!
Go Huntstuff! We're rooting for you!
What a handsome guy!
We love Hunter! Looks like it's a close race for first place!
I agree with Tixie - Hunter deserves the cover shot!
It's the final stretch, and we're making a last ditch effort to get Hunter on the cover!!!!!!
Competition is fierce! Go Hunter!
We vote for Hunter Gulley! From the Millers!
Go Hunter Go. My vote is for the boxer.
We love Hunter.
our vote is for hunter gulley. he has a sweet family and a sweet personality.
Hunter will always be the fitst baby although tere may be some more competition soon...
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