Monday, August 4, 2008

Raquel Wynn's Book Release

We are excited to announce the release of
Raquel Wynn's first book.

Raquel and her husband Phillip are two of our favorite PC guests and
we are thrilled with Raquel's completion and publication of this book.

If you are in the Nashville area don’t miss this chance to meet Raquel

Saturday, August 23rd, 1-3pm

Davis Kidd Bookstore, Green Hills Mall

We look forward to making STRETCH YOUR DOG HEALTHY available for sale at PC


raquel wynn said...

martha! we love you guys, can't wait to get the fam back up there!

Anonymous said...

We love Raquel!
She has worked on Georgia many times (a few pictures below, see how happy she is?) What a huge difference she has made in our lives (and many of my friends with animals too!)
I wish you all could have her help your animals...if you can't, buy this book. She truly loves and understands them like no one I know!