Wednesday, September 30, 2009


OK, that is a bit of an exaggeration. Because of course they were going to stay. But Dollie Mae, Buck and Ponder were in serious need of an attitude adjustment. Well, I am happy to say help is here. We just finished our first session with Kim Brophy. Kim is a certified animal behaviorist and I can not tell you what a help she was.

Thank goodness as she explained...My dogs are doing nothing wrong (in their eyes). I just didn't have any tools to handle the situation. Between the three of them they are jockeying for the alpha position at all times. That is usually between Buck and Ponder. Then when guests' dogs show up Dollie Mae being the third man around here tries to dominate them. I was all concerned about my anxiety level but what she made me realize was Mom is not suffering half as much as my sweeties. That hit my heart and I want life to be better for them. So, with some great behavioral modifications for Gary and I and a dose of Melatonin (for them not us... but check with you vet as Kim insisted) I have a new situation on my hands.

Ponder is our aging dude and she made me realize it is our job to insure his position as alpha as he ages. It was a brilliant session and after Kim winning International APDT
2009 Outstanding Trainer of the Year
we can't believe our luck that she is in Asheville.

So, come on down and stay at Ponder Cove and make your appointment with Kim. You will be glad you did.

martha and her happy pups

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Biltmore Set for Spectacular Season

Economy crunch or no economy crunch. The Biltmore House will be as spectacular as ever. And if you ever wondered.......note the "by the numbers" report.

50 decorated Frazier firs from 4-34 feet in the main house.
50 more at other estate facilities
1 55’ Norway spruce on the front lawn surrounded by 8 “islands”
300 poinsettias
500 other plants
1,600 bloomers
340 fresh wreaths
60 artificial
100 kissing balls made of white pine and Fraser fir
10,000 feet of garland
1,200 feet in the House and around 1,000 feet in other areas.
500 Bows
30,000 lights in the main house
125 candles
150,000 mini lights
500 gift boxes
500 ornaments
500 electric lights on the Banquet Hall Tree
12,000 on the trees inside the house
25,000 + on the estate.

There will be a quiz later. m

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Don't you agree....I think the search is over for Ponder Cove's new Fashion Editor. In this video you will find a behind the scenes moment before this divine Diva hits the catwalk. Meet Ms.Zoester

Monday, September 14, 2009


One of my greatest pleasures is coming up the drive and watching the dogs get all excited. "Mom is home! Mom is home!" They bark. Up they run as fast as they can and then plop faster than I can get out of the car, exhausted from the climb, spent from such a burst of energy...but they took it on without a second's hesitation...just because they are glad I am home.

I was reading Raquel Wynn's book today STRETCH YOUR DOG HEALTHY and ran across a great passage. "The life of a dog is high-impact. Hours are spent playing in yards, chasing critters, sleeping on hard floors, hanging out, leading family walks and just trying to get the most out of life. They are ready at a moment's notice, they greet us with complete enthusiasm every time we come home, and they loyally support us--this takes a lot of energy." We can learn a lot from our dogs...but today I learned my dogs deserve a massage for that outpouring of enthusiasm much to the chagrin of their joints.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


How lucky are these two amazing pups? One minute their future unknown as they lounged within the walls of a shelter. But as only fate could determine in walk my friends Gary and Frank to the rescue. Obviously it took no time at all for these kids to adjust to their new home perched on top of their very own mountain. Life is good in Sandy Mush.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Let me introduce you to Raquel Wynn, one of our favorite guests along with her husband Philip. Raquel is the author of STRETCH YOUR DOG HEALTHY, a brilliant book which not only makes you aware but teaches techniques for keeping your dog healthy and happy. Raquel is now featured on Pet Life Radio. Tune in and become a fan.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fall Foliage Asheville

Time to think about your upcoming visit to the mountains. We are thrilled to announce that we have had normal rainfall after years of drought. The trees are gloriously full of foliage. Adding to this wonderment we are now experiencing very crisp nights. So, what does that mean?....... A SUPER LEAF SEASON!!!!! It is suppose to be slow and long. So, when looking at your schedule consider early November as well. See you soon. m

Friday, September 4, 2009

Quilt Trail Road Rally

Does everyone know about the upcoming road rally? It is going to be toooo much fun. The challenge is to track down 15 barn quilts. Its not about speed but about discovering our mountains ablaze with fall color. November 7. Ponder Cove highly recommends it. Call 828-682-7331 for more information.


One of my very best friends and fellow dog lover Faye from New York City turned me on to this site just this morning. We are always looking for more GREAT dog-friendly B & B's to share with our guests. So, it looks like Faye has found us one in the Berkshires and look at their foodie blog. An innkeeper after my own heart. I will be spending time there today seeing what I can borrow.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dollie Mae Featured on Dog Pearls

Note Dollie Mae made the cut...her first big movie role. Go to and read about a new film by Little Pearls: "tiny films" that open hearts & minds.

Barn Quilt at Ponder Cove

I must bring everyone's attention to Suzi Parron's new quilt trail project. So many of you have admired our quilt square and wanted to know the significance. Soon it will be all too clear when Suzi's book is published. In the meantime keep up with Suzi at